

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 17 - A TV show I'm currently addicted to

I'm so sorry for the lack of posting, but I'm in a So You Think You Can Dance state of mind :) I just came home after attending the TV auditions in Ghent, and it was so awesome! Next week there are TV auditions in Amsterdam (12/13 juli - Carre) , I'm so excited! If anyone from my Dutch readers wants to attend the auditions as part of the audience, just sent a mail to !

Since my BFF wants to stay anonymous, I'm skipping challenge 16 and I'm going straight to my current favorite TV show: ♥ BONES ♥


  1. I've never seen Bones! but you've mentioned it a few times so i'm thinking I need to start watching!xx

  2. You really should! I'm sure you would love it :) xx


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