

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Yet again, Naomi Watts delivers. She is one of my favorite actresses of all time. I think I particularly like her because she seems so genuine and laidback. She looks like so much fun. Moving on to the next actress : Robin Wright. Minus the Penn. God I love her, she's just one of those natural actresses. My favorite Robin Wright role since Forrest Gump!

But forget about the women. How incredibly hot are the guys who play the sons?! Holy momma! It wasn't until I checked imdb that I found out that one of them is Xavier Samuel, as in Twilight hunk Riley. I thought he was a lousy actor in Twilight, but I actually really liked his performance in Adore!

Adore is a very provocative and taboo breaking movie with an amazing cast, truly a must see! ♥


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