I love this pic of Jessica Alba and Honor! That girl is so cute, the sunnies are to die for! And Jessica has such a cool and laid back style, love it! And damn, she's tanned! xx
God, I love Nicole's casual style♥ And Sparrow's as well, he's the epitome of coolness! And Harlow is too cute for words! The Madden-Richies are definitely one of my favorite celebrity families, truly a picture perfect♥
I can't believe these lovely ladies are already turning 30! It makes me feel old. Although I'm far away of turning 30. But still, I grew up with them. As in: watching their shows/movies I mean :)
Sienna Miller Alexis Bledel. To me, she'll always be sweet Rory! Rachel Bilson. Summer Roberts forever! Natalie Portman
I love the fact that these two maintained their friendship since Dawon's Creek! And their daughters are so freakin' adorable♥ On another note: I love Michelle's outfit! It's perfect from top to bottom, definitely casual cool♥
How cute are they, sigh! ♥ I really think they would make a beautiful couple!
And Ryan is so hilarious, I love his kind of humor♥ You know what, after thinking about it: forget Michelle! Ryan and I would REALLY make a cute couple♥ Yeah, yeah, keep on dreaming! And Ellen, you're so right, best guest ever!
On another note: I can't believe that I still haven't seen Black Swan yet :( But I'm stuck here in Spain, and since I hate dubbed movies, I'll just have to wait a little bit to see the real deal, with the normal voices, just like I like my movies :) At least summer has taken an early start here♥, to make up for the huge hole I'm currently developing in my movie knowledge! xx
And now that I'm talking about my favorite 2011 collections, the Marchesa collection is to die for♥ Everything from the clothes to the shoes to the jewelry: ME WANTS ♥♥
And I especially want this look, it just screams 'me': the purse, the shoes, the fairy-ish dress ♥♥♥ SOURCE: Image via Knightcat
Chanel's pre-fall collection of 2011 has got te be one of my favorite collections ever! I'm so in love with the hairdos and the jewelry♥ This is my favorite piece:
I love it when actors can sing, it makes them even hotter♥ Yes, I'm talking about you Robert! This got to be my favorite song ever of him (it gives me goosebumps, every single time!), combined with a video of my favorite Twilight shoot!
Although I am/was a big fan of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, I also kinda love his new pairing with Michelle Williams. And how cute is he with the little girl♥ I can't believe I still haven't seen this movie, Spain is a BAD INFLUENCE on catching up with movies :(
No, I don't wanna talk about that stupid reality show of Brody Jenner. I just want to pay hommage to my favorite bromances ever!
7. Cobb and Arthur. Because they're hot. Point final.
6. The cast of The Hangover. Because they're so hilarious: best wolf pack ever! (Sorry Jacob) :D
5. The Cullen boys. Should I really give you a reason, I mean come on: vampire = hot; a bunch of vampires with super strength = hot hot hot :D
4. Although Booth would never admit it, he kinda has a bromance going on with Sweets. And I like it. A lot. 3. Aragorn and Legolas. Because epic bromances are the best. 2. Mark Greene and Doug Ross discussing each other's love live. Those were the times! I miss ER like crazy :( 1. And my favorite bromance ever, how could it not be: Seth and Ryan, because sarcasm rules!
10. That SNL sketch with Tina Fey and the Biebs was priceless♥ Gotta love 'baby lady' Tina 9. O Sandy! You go girl :D Eat that, Jesse James! 8. Everything with Tina Fey is great, she's for sure one of my favorite female comedians ( I looooooooved Date Night, HI-LARIOUS♥) 7. I ♥ Country Gwyneth, totally looking forward to this movie! I really like her vocal timbre! And I'm kinda digging the whole country scene... I never imagined that I would ever say that:D 6. I always love it when Kanye does his thing, not music but fashion-wise! 5. O NPH, I'm always in for some Twilight allusions ^_^ 4. What can I say, I sure ♥ the Handsome Men's Club: McDreamy, RPatz, and... o hi Josh! I really missed you! And the Ben and Jen spoof is so funny, it only enhances my girl crush on Jennifer Garner, she's the best♥ 3. I can only encourage a Britney appearance on Glee. Because they rock. And she looks her old self again! You go, girl! (Actually, I'm a secretive Britney-fan... JUST KIDDING! :D) 2. I like it how Robert doesn't take himself too serious♥ It just confirms how my big crush on him is totally justified! And Emmett isn't the only one that makes a hot monkey man. Just sayin'. 1. Les is totally More. I was totally surprised by this one, in all the good ways! It shows that Tom can deliver some serious ass kicking and funny acting! That's the Tom Cruise that I love! It makes me forget all that scientology bullshit, and reminds me of great movies like Top Gun, The Last Samourai, Valkyrie and Interview with the Vampire. And yes, JLO was also good, she still shakes her bon-bon like no other from the block!
I'm already a big fan of big sis Dakota, but something tells me that Elle Fanning will be even more huge! Not in weight, but in star quality, that is. And since The Virgin Suicides, I'm a big Sofia Coppola fan, so this movie can't be anything else than intriguing! Very curious about this one! And I'm already LOVING the underwater scene, too cute!
On another note: this will be my last post this week, since I'm leaving tomorrow for MADRID♥ woohoo, I'm so excited to finally go to the capital city of Spain! And as a bonus, I'm going to spend my time there with two of my besties from Belgium♥
Think a modern version of 'The Beauty and the Beast' with funny oneliners (Chicks dig blind guys :D) and a witchy Mary-Kate Olsen. Can't be bad, right?