So if you're a regular on my blog, you already know that I was upset with the story lines on Bones. I'm like a die hard Bones fan, and since ER isn't airing anymore, it's occupying the first place of my current favorite series. But at the beginning of this season, I couldn't take it anymore: barf Hannah barf. So I decided to stop watching the episodes, and to wait for the DVD. So said, so done. That was until I came home today, and my roomie forced me to watch the season finale. I've got to say: MUCHAS GRACIAS roomie! OMG OMG OMG! I didn't stop saying OMG ever since! I'm so in shock! And forever thankful to Hart Hanson to finally give me what I want! You can count me in again, I'm back Bones babies! And you can take those babies literally! Currently we only have the Hodgela baby♥ BUT, soon everything will change, because Bones is pregnant! With Booth's child! Eek! *insert happy happy dance* I'm so euphoric that it's a little bit embarassing! But caring!! Thank you thank you thank you Emily Deschanel, for being preggers! You finally found a way to get Bones and Booth together! I owe you big time :) I can't wait to see more of this:

Be prepared for fluffyness galore!
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