

Thursday, October 10, 2013


This movie kinda gives me the Amelie Poulain vibe: the train station, the observation of people and their relations, the everyday life... So this movie couldn't go wrong for me. It was a pleasant surprise finding out that Sacha Baron Cohen also played in this movie. I knew it right away, that man controls his body as nobody else. He's such a grotesque actor, he acts with his whole body and that's truly a gift!

Hugo is a very original movie, I loved every second of the quest for the truth. And the whole automat/robot theme made me think about a litterature class I took at university about the robotization of the modern human being, so interesting! I also never heard about Georges Méliès before, but immediately after the movie, I did an extensive Wikipedia search on this great pioneer of film. I'm kinda digging the name Méliès as well. Lately I feel drawn to typical French names...

In short, this is an original, warm movie with great morality. A perfect weekend movie to watch with the whole family!

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